Your registration on this website allows you to get access and download CCI-Landcover products. In this framework, your personal data are processed as described in this privacy statement and according to the European directive about the “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)”.
Université catholique de Louvain (hereafter referred to as UCLouvain)
Grand Place 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
When you register on our website, the following personal data are recorded:
We also keep the IP address of the connection for the sake of geographical statistics. Data are kept for internal use in our secured database until you modify or delete your personal account.
Your personal data can be modified or deleted following this link.
Be informed that no data is used for commercial purpose or transferred to a third party.
The retained data are used to generate anonymous statistics and inform users about the evolution of our products. For this purpose, newsletters and invitations are sent by email. This means that you are likely to receive maximum 5 emails on annual basis.
Only a limited number of UCLouvain staff members have access to the data related to your profile. We will consult your data in the situations described below:
The Data Protection Officer is UCLouvain IT staff officer of the research laboratory in Environmetry and Geomatics. Personal data are kept in the UCLouvain system, which is regularly tested against security vulnerabilities.
For questions about the processing of your personal data in the CCI_Landcover project framework, please contact our team: